Ria links - Salons in the Cloud are open to anyone, artists and non-artists, interested in, or curious about, art and systems change.
We invite artists from all disciplines, artists’ collectives, and study-groups who share a drive to work for systems change through their art in and around Ottawa, to showcase their projects and discuss their ideas in a Ria Links Salon.
As we are not able to pay fees, we are counting on artists' generosity of spirit and time. Ria Links exists through volunteer labour only.
We will never ask for money or raise funds.

March 2023
During the Pandemic, we briefly switched our Salons to Zoom. Salons in the Cloud are not quite the same and we are planning to be back on the ground soon. We used to get together in our home, with groups that were usually around 20 people. Our living space is not that large and now that we are so aware of the continuing contagion, and the age and vulnerability of our participants, our home seems a bit too small for Salons, although we will continue to host small study groups. We have met in a few more public spaces during the pandemic, and I am grateful to the Ottawa Art Gallery's Maria Gomez Umana and Michael Davidge for offering to host a few upcoming Salons.
Watch this space for the next one!
Although our Salons in the Cloud are never as personal as gathering in real life, they do have the advantage that they can easily be recorded and kept online. Below you can find some links to recordings that are still available:
Salon # 1 Bruyère Artist in Residence cj fleury, October 26th 2020
Salon # 2 Podcast # 83 - On Collaboration in Inter-Disciplinary
Art Projects between Black and Indigenous People,
People of Colour, and White People.
With Patsea Griffin, Robert Snikkar, and Carmel Whittle
Salon # 3
Changemakers Meet Up. Ria Links Artists and Activists.
Ellen Chang Richardson, Claudia Salguero, Lori Victor, Alejandro Salgado Cendales (MASC and MAC – CAM), Laura Margita (G101), Sam Hersch (Horizon Ottawa), Ilse Turnsen (La Pêche Coalition for a Green New Deal), Eva Schacherl (Council of Canadians, Ottawa Chapter) and Katie Rae Perfitt (350.org Canada).